"So, what does a doula... do?" 

It's a great question: what does a doula really do? You might have a general idea that you'd like a doula at your birth, and I'd like to share some research and facts to back up your intuition.

This article details how having a doula improves the birth experience not just for moms, but for partners and their babies, too. It has great statistics, like "when continuous labor support was provided by a doula, women experienced a 31% decrease in the use of Pitocin and a 28% decrease in the risk of a C-section." 

All good stuff. 

If you have a sense that'd like a doula, check out www.birthoptionsalliance.org/local-provider-lists.html for a list of DC/MD/VA doulas and birth professionals, or contact me to set up a complimentary "get-acquainted" session. 

The Evidence for Doulas", http://evidencebasedbirth.com/the-evidence-for-doulas/

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